Sunday, July 21, 2019

Basics of Christology


Jesus Christ is the centre of the Christian faith. Christology is a branch of theology which reflects systematically on the person, being, and doing of Jesus of Nazareth. Christology is the part of theology that is concerned with the nature and work of Jesus, including such matters as the Incarnation, the Resurrection, and his human and divine natures and their relationship. It is the area of systematic or dogmatic theology which considers the person, activity and significance of Jesus Christ. Christology will limit itself to a consideration of the mystery of the personal identity of Jesus of Nazareth. Here, the term “mystery” is to be understood in its Pauline sense. That is, of the enigmatic design revealed in the history of salvation, which centres on the person we call Jesus Christ. It is the dogma of Christ, not a denial/challenge/doubting of the dogma of Christ.
Biblical Christology
This refers to the very foundation and basics of Christology. The very early Christians were who knew Jesus and had encountered his work wrote down his words and deeds. Their belief was that he was the Christ - the son of God who had come to save humanity. During his lifetime Jesus had asked the Question, ‘Who do you say that I am? The answers that came out after his death tell us that many people thought different things about Jesus showing that there has always been more than one Christology in the Christian community.
Matthew - Jesus is the new Moses, teacher of the new law
Mark - Jesus is the suffering Messiah
 Luke - Jesus, filled with the Holy Spirit is the saviour of all
John - Jesus is the word of God Made flesh.

Approaches to Christology
Christology from above: Refers to those Christologies that begin their study of Jesus Christ by reflecting on the pre-existence of the word (logos) of God and so emphasize the divinity of Christ.
Christology from below: Refers to those Christologies that begin their study of Jesus Christ by reflecting on the historical Jesus and so emphasize the humanity of Christ.

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